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And finally …

“Our collaboration with New College Lanarkshire`s CLIC programme has been invaluable. From the initial consultation their team expertly identified key areas where we could enhance productivity and expand our digital capabilities. Their insights and guidance gave us the confidence to implement practical solutions that would benefit our staff and customers. This partnership has not only delivered immediate improvements, but also established a valuable ongoing relationship with the college that will continue to benefit Altogether Travel in the future.”

Stephen Chalmers, Director, Altogether Travel

Stephen Chalmers, Director, Altogether Travel

‘The programme of upskilling that we have implemented with the help and support of South Lanarkshire College has been pivotal for the growth of our business. This has helped us to stay aligned to our strategic goals and priorities and opened up a whole new array of opportunities.’ 

Ross Howe, Managing Director - Howe Ceilings and Interiors Ltd

West College Scotland should be extremely proud of the way they build relationships with external partners. Their commitment to helping us navigate through the complexity of workforce development has been exemplary.

Without this guidance at times, we would be lost.

Mark Cowan, HR Director, Scottish Leather Group

Glasgow Clyde College supported our team to think differently about how innovation can enhance our business. They’ve encouraged us to explore new opportunities for growth. 

Craig Steele, Director of Digital Skills Education