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And finally …

We found the organisation and delivery process through Glasgow Clyde College smooth and efficient.

From pre-funding application meetings to class communications, including additional support requests, course delivery and materials provided, to the ability to accommodate invigilation of the student’s final exam to suit the individual’s working shift patterns, we have been extremely satisfied throughout with all contact from the college.

Nuala Ashe, Regional Learning Organiser, Unite

“Engaging with the Centre for Sustainable Development at South Lanarkshire College has opened up numerous opportunities for Lanarkshire Larder to enhance our business. It has been a pleasure to collaborate with the students and Innovation Team there and look forward to a long and lasting relationship.” 

Jill Connell, Lanarkshire Larder

West College Scotland should be extremely proud of the way they build relationships with external partners. Their commitment to helping us navigate through the complexity of workforce development has been exemplary.

Without this guidance at times, we would be lost.

Mark Cowan, HR Director, Scottish Leather Group

Working in partnership with our local community has been a great opportunity for GXO/Sainsbury to forge close links with South Lanarkshire College while supporting Horticulture students and giving them an opportunity to work and learn from a business environment during their studies.

This initiative has given all parties the opportunity to offer creative ways for innovative solutions and to look forward to new ones!

Alan Brown, Senior Manager at GXO